Hailey looking beautiful (I hope I spelled that right!)

Josh and Alex hanging out in the yard


Hailey's mom! (Hi Deb!)

Boring group shot

Bocce Ball!

Sarah and Chrissy

THE GRILL MASTER (that ones for you Mike )

Me and Mike!

Mike and Jenny

ummm.... derrick... seriously... are you trying to burn your face?

Damnit Jenny... why didnt you tell me NOT TO BLOW? we lost to these suckers... but we won our first game!

Becky looking fantastic!

So I ask Mike if he wants to play darts... he says "I suck... but ok"
and wouldnt you know it... that little shit beats me!? and mind you ... he beats me after I hit 3 bullseyes... I demand a rematch... which I will be playing under protest. So since you are such a sucker and wont be coming home for another YEAR, Mr. Germani... you'd better start practicing.