Friends, Family, and Other Random Things

"Make a magical U-Turn"- disney attendant

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dancing with the Stars-no- Cat!?

Alright so we all know that Bella is a fantastic dancer... well now that she has witnessed mom and dad dancing together... she has become very interested in partner dancing ... since she doesnt have a 'partner' to dance with ... she has become ... resourceful. Enjoy!

Bella and Neo attempting to Swing dance
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Marathon Blankets

Last Sunday Scott ran the Maine 1/2 marathon and came home with a nifty little medal and a marathon blanket- you know those tinfoil-esq crinkley plastic blankets. This blanket was the sole source of entertainment in our household for at least 45 mins. Isabella freaked out! She loved this retarded blanket-of-sorts. We played with it like a parachute (for those of you who were deprived in elementary school- that is where in the gym with like 15 other kids you take a parachute and all grab a little piece and float it up in the air and then pull it down over you.)
And we even wore it like a cape and ran around to the snap, crackle and pop of it... that is until it instantaneously became NOT fun anymore and Bella started to cry cause the cape wouldnt come off! All in all it was a funny afternoon!

On another note- Bella's mullet is now approaching full on trailer status... however it does make for her first true pony tail... why would I cut that?!


October 14th I am attending a wedding for a good friend. It starts at 4pm- here is the dress I bought to wear... do we all agree its 4pm wedding apropos?