Friends, Family, and Other Random Things

"Make a magical U-Turn"- disney attendant

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Papa and the Puppies

Papa got 2 beagle puppies! They are just about the cutest things in the world! Thelma and Louise.. they are sisters! So- Bella and I hopped in the car last weekend and went to NH to visit Papa and his puppies. We had a blast! It was a gorgeous day... great company and fun little puppies to play with! Of course we missed Nuna who was out shopping with her sister. We also made sure to visit with Caesar the goat- we dont want him feeling left out.

Monday, September 18, 2006

For the spinach me

Urgh! What is this crap about spinach! I want my spinach... I dont appreciate having to throw away like 3 bags of fresh spinach that I recently bought... its annoying... and wasteful... and I think I should be reimbursed.