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Here is the problem.
Im going to a wedding on Saturday. The ceremony is at 2pm and the reception at 6pm. So there is four hours between them!
I have two different outfits to post- oh by the way its a "Dinner Reception"- I would like to know which outfit is more appropriate to wear to the 6pm, Dinner reception.
outfit one- the pants and tank [my tank is black though]

outfit two- the dress [I sewed small straps on it last night to dress it down a tad and in the middle there is a sparkly broach type thing that you cant see well from the pic.]

Now please keep in mind that the boobs give the Tank top a slightly more slutty appearance than the model in the picture. LOL...
ok people... comment away!
These are both fantastic in their own way! The dress is playful, fun and off the cuff. I like the other ensemble for your event, though. Beautifully elegant, and much more appropot for after 6. I'd reconsider if this were a summer wedding, but really, I'd still go with the tank outfit. I'm dying to see the shoes you pick out...make sure to post a pick of the package in its entirety!!!
Well i would say they both look lovely on u but I would go with the first one for the dinner because that is more a dinner type outfit.
Ive considered wearing the tank/pant suit to the ceremony and the dress to the reception. Costume change. double the fun. but still... im debating!
I'd say it doesn't matter, but after seeing your last comment, and then daisyduke's comment, i would have to agree with her and say the pants/tank is the way to go! Be safe and I'll meet you in St. Louie!
Mike- The groom says I should wear the pant/tank to the ceremony and the dress to the reception.. and that "switching outfits for the reception is really "in" now."
who knew i was so--- "IN"
hahahhaa well if the groom says soo... i guess i have to go with him!
My first thought was the dress for both. Now the idea of changing between the two events has changed my mind to that as both outfits are excellent choices. And let's see those shoes!
I like the dress. No sense in dressing down anything for a wedding. It's a party, treat it like one.
i like the pants and tank most, but really like the idea of changing outfits. it's so "celebrity" of you... i saw it once on "my sweet 16." only this girl had WAY too many outfits to wear and ending up missing most of her party. but she did come in on a helicopter.
so, definitely, go with the helicopter.
(sidenote: where do you get all your fine clothing?)
hey katie,
i intially thought the dress was the way to go, looks fun and bet you'll feel the best in it. but noted the black pants outfit is more sophisicated (sp?), but as one of the other commenters said, it's a party have fun! then the idea of changing outfits sounds like a great way to go if possible!
Well I like the pants and the tank personally, but I also like the idea of an outfit change like everyone is saying.
i say you should change int ot he dress for the reception. Or if you really dont want to change I would just go with the dress
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