Ok! So Im back from AZ and it was so much fun... of course Madison is the cutest child EVER! so this is the view from Jenny's bedroom window!

Morning One- me going to the pool... yeah!

this is an awful picture from the night I landed... it was midnight... we both look like butt.

Holy BOOBS?! Jenny attempting to blow up the air mattress and then realizing at midnight that the batterys need to be replaced... so we had to go buy some! haha

Not sure what shes doing but its a funny picture.

Madison wearing ALL of Aunties underwear...


Jenny's apartment complex (the birds there are nuts- its like listening to a rainforest all the time even while you are trying to sleep... i hate birds)

tell me thats not the
cutest child ever.

my home away from home

This i took for bella! hahaa

WTF am i doing?

Jenny and Madison at the pool.... Jennys mad cause she was in her dinky little bikini.. hahaa

She LOVES this floaty thing

We're so cute.

Me and Jenny... doing what we do best... looking like retards.


Ok so madison loves the air mattress... and she really loves beating her head off it...

Mike... hahahaa

Me and the kid

Naked Baby!

Um... Jenny... how on earth did you manage to raise a child thats girly?

Elvis was in the house....


Mikes Birthday gift to Jenny...

Rockin them!

if you crouch like Jenny is... madison has been trained to take the happy massager and rub your back... ROCK ON CHILD.

Mike's other birthday gift to Jenny... mmmmmmmm.
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