Silly Posters that PISS me OFF
You've seen Successories, right? You know, those surprisingly popular inspirational posters that encourage us to "ACHIEVE" (in bold bright lettering) with a huge mountaintop in the background. Except the only thing that makes me want to achieve is throwing it into the trash can on the first try.
Sorry. Call me cynical. It just does.
Achievement for me is a full day with no shit on the floor.
Or five minutes without having to wipe up a spill.
Or not having to say "Do not eat food off the floor, please."
So, I've come up with some Successories for Moms. This is just a start - I want you to come up with your own. Yes. I'm challenging you.
Give me your successories. Leave me a note in the comments -I imagine you folks might just be a bit more creative than me.



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